The Nollywood industry is poised for a significant transformation with the debut of “ASIYAN” by rising star, Olaide Arike Bello, also known as Olaide Shugar. Olaide...
Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers has launched the third edition of their highly anticipated FUZE Talent Show, a captivating blend of creativity, talent, and corporate social responsibility....
Veteran Nollywood actress Dayo Amusa has welcomed her first child. It’s a boy. Dayo, who has never appeared publicly with her husband, has been congratulated by...
Digital Services and telecommunication Company, Globacom, on Thursday, in Warri, Delta State held the first draw to select winners in its on-going consumer promotion, Festival of...
Globacom and its partners have presented cheques of N1m each to new set of winners in the exciting monthly Glo Jolly Win promo.This is apart from...
Quincy Jones, the legendary music producer and arranger who worked with icons like Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra, has passed away at the age of 91....
Sad! Nollywood veteran actor Agbako is dead. His death was made known in a statement by the president of Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association...
Beauty queen Chidimma Adetshina, who has been at the centre of a fierce nationality row, is to be stripped of her South African identity and travel...
Lagos Fashion Week 2024 brought the best of Nigerian creativity to the runway, and this year, Heineken took things to the next level with an unforgettable...
Manchester United has dismissed Erik ten Hag as manager following a poor start to the season, which saw the club struggling in the Premier League’s bottom...