Leading Digital Pay-Tv provider, StarTimes Nigeria has introduced an inspiring football guess game tagged Stellar “Win Online” through its Facebook and its streaming mobile app, StarTimes ON.
Stellar “Win Online” is an online guess game for StarTimes subscribers to watch and participate in football matches broadcast by StarTimes and win surprising incentives and awards. Unlike every other game, Stellar Online gives every participant the chance to become a winner and showcase their depth of knowledge.
The new offerings revolve around sporting activities like athletes, stories, and tournaments. While the presentation differs, the process of answering the questions has been simplified, therefore enabling users to give the direct answer to the questions. Winners will be picked randomly and rewarded while active and participants will be compensated.
The name Stellar was gotten from a Lion that has consistently represent the brand image and will be the host of the Steller’s movement once the game begins. Subscribers are to keep themselves updated with posts on StarTimes Facebook platforms for active participation.
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