Wonder they say, shall never end. These days you simply can’t trust anyone anymore. Not even the ones closest to you.
Hope you recall publication yesterday about FCMB MD and a lady who allegedly had children for him, Moyo Thomas’ story?
The lady who allegedly got involved in an office romance with her boss that produced two kids? Report have it that this ungodly relationship led to the early demise of late husband, Tunde Thomas when it was discovered that he wasn’t the owner of his assumed two children.
Recently, it was discovered the lady, Moyo Thomas who has now relocated to America changed her last name, maybe to prevent bashing from people as her unholy relationship with her boss in First City Monument Bank, FCMB have been discovered. Moyo Thomas, who now work as a recruitment manager with Park Nicollet Health Services in America now bears, Mo David, as reflected on her new profile on LinkedIn.

Shockingly, few hours after the name change was discovered, She quickly removed her photo image but still left the new details untouched.
However, this might also be related to her changing her status in America.
More as the event unfolds…
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