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Fraud Alert: Ikeja Distribution Increase Tariff From N22 -N50 per Unit Without Notice In Magodo



Nigeria distribution companies have been struggling for a while with profitability and have resorted to fraud in other to shove up their earning capabilities.

Ikeja distribution has been fingered in this scheme as Residents in Magodo cried out on the sudden increase of tariff from 22-50 per unit without any government regulation or prior agreement by individual residence.

A resident of the estate Mr Ikpehare, interviewed of phone said”I went to recharge my card as usual on Sunday for 5,000 Naira and I found out the units I received was less than half of what I used to have, I inquired and I was told IKEDC promised us 24hours light hence they need to double tarrif to make this possible.What nonsense, if they can’t provide the services the government asked them to provide they better sell off to someone else.I have provided alternative power for my home and don’t need them to provide 24 hours for me.


Speaking to another residence Mr Kunle,he also said he heard that IKEDC proposed something to the resident association, and he quickly went to recharge and found out that of a truth the price has been doubled. How will an association agree for my individual utility usage?,are they local government, federal or State government for them to make a decision that concerns individual utility?, who gave them such powers they arrogate to themselves, just because they are an association? Why will they just step on people’s human rights?
Every user of   IKEDC signed an agreement with IKEDC to supply them power individually not collectively.

This is fraud and nothing more.If they can supply light for 24hours let them do,which is what government privatized the industry for, but if they can’t they should tell the Government and sell off rather that increase the hardship of people in a country where things are already tough.

Anybody rich enough can get alternative energy to power his or her house for 24 hours and not deny poor people light in their area just to supply light to other areas for 24 hours,this is oppression and corruption in another form and should not be tolerated.

We call on the Federal Government to look at this new fraud scheme and strategies adopted by the IKEJA distribution (asking estates association to sign on behalf of individuals going against their rights) and call them to order.


The representative from Ikedc Mr Felix Ofulue, refuted the fraud allegations,” we made consultations with Magodo residence association and an agreement was reached before the price change increments where made. We are currently supplying  24hours light to the estate in the last 1 week without fail Nothing fraudulent about this.We intend to roll out more estates on this new premium plan he said”
