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Corvid 19: Sen Ganiu Solomon (GOS) Cancels Annual Birthday Party “…All I Need Tomorrow Is Your Prayer”



Hello, family, friends, relatives and supporters,

Tomorrow is December 19th, the beautiful day of my birth and traditionally, we always gather to merry, reminisce and celebrate another successful year in the bag.

Unfortunately, this year has chosen to be different from the outset and therefore, we would be unable to hold our usual pomp and celebration.


It is bad enough that the outbreak of Covid-19 has changed our lives and perhaps, for good, even more disturbing is that it has entered a second wave across the world and Nigeria is not immune from its deadly spread.

This is why I appeal to us all to be good citizens and stay in our homes, away from any unwieldy gathering in obedience to the safety protocols against the Coronavirus.

For this reason, I shall not be entertaining any guest tomorrow. It is trite to say there’s nothing expedient about this year’s celebration of my birthday. We can’t just afford to be reckless with a few days to the New Year.

The best thing anyone can do for me tomorrow is to stay in their respective homes and say a word of prayers, while respecting the laws of the land so that we all can be safe and alive to see many more years.


I appreciate your love and support as you always do every year and it is my prayer that everyone reading this will be hale and hearty next December 19th 2021, to celebrate with me.

I thank you all for you unwavering love at all times and God bless you.

See you by God’s Grace in 2021. Ameen??

Senator G.O Solomon

