A world where you can start receiving payments even if you are not a registered business. A world where you can have more than one business account controlled from one place.
We are pleased to introduce to you Squad, a payment solution powered by GTCO that enables all types of businesses to make and receive payments from anywhere in the world.
With Squad, you can:
Accept and initiate payments online or via social media channels using our payment links, e-invoices, and storefront features — no website needed!
Receive and confirm in-store transfers instantly using our Virtual account service.
Get unique USSD codes for your business to receive payments.
Use your NFC-enabled Android phone to accept card payments by downloading the SquadPOS app on Google Play Store. This feature is especially useful if you do not have a POS terminal.
● If your email address is already taken, it means you have been pre-registered as a GTBank account holder. Simply proceed to reset your password and start exploring the possibilities with our payment solutions.
Need to Know More about Squad?
● Ask questions in our daily webinars: (Morning Session | 11:00–11:45 am Video call link: https://bit.ly/3NtZkPk) (Afternoon Session | 3:00–3:45 pm Video call link: https://bit.ly/39ZiMFJ).