Director, writer and show-runner, Tope Oshin has unveiled the trailer to her new film, Love Here Lives. The new film, a collaboration between her Sunbow Productions...
Disaster struck in the home of popular Lagos billionaire and industrialist, Prince Samuel Adedoyin on Tuesday, when his daughter, Lola Olobayo died after a brief illness....
A Nigerian man was arraigned in a Nairobi court for allegedly forcing his Kenyan girlfriend to perform Blowjob on him and posting the video online. The...
A total of thirty members of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, have won cash prizes and business grants totalling N10 million in the 6th edition...
Gunmen have abducted some students and teachers at the College of Agriculture and Animal Health in Bakura, Zamfara state. Aliyu Bakura, deputy registrar of the college,...
It is a sad moment and also a time to sing praises for popular music act, Okechukwu Edwards Ukeje, better known by his stage name Nigga...